Welcome! Getting used to this whole blogging thing, knowing I have already found something that is going to supply me with large amounts of happiness. We can start with the meaning of my blog name or, my unordinary life... ideally what a blog is for right?
My life on a Cliff, clique to me, yet unimaginable for some even my self at times.
This is my home.
This is where I live, this is the life that I have always dreamt of. Santa Barbara, California where I wake up to sounds of waves crashing beneath my doorstep daily. Where the weather is mid 70's basically year-round.This is my life, slow and as beautiful as a flower blooming, also fast and furious as the speed of light.
No matter the pace, life here is different. There is no crime, there is no hate, there is not bitter, there is no poverty.
Here I am surrounded with my own age, with ones inspired to change the world just like myself, with people that have hearts the size of my homeland "Texas".
Here in Isla Vista, commonly know as IV, I share my view, my cliff, my home, my smile with 18,344 friends. We are all family, all students, all one. We all live within walking distance to each others house, we all congregate on weekends. If you meet someone out and about and find they are from IV you are automatically friends, you find out they live on your street your best friends, they end up living next door you are in each others future wedding. Best part is this is no joke, no exaggeration. IV has a way of life that no human can explain unless one lives in the happiest place on Earth.
Many don't understand, but blogging should help. This is one of my favorite spots. This is where I take me visitors, this is where I think of my mom:)
Switching it up a bit my house my actual place where I fall asleep at night, with my roommates.....my 7 roommates. My three bedroom, two bath chaotic unit 5 that I wouldn't trade for a mansion.
Here I am surrounded with my own age, with ones inspired to change the world just like myself, with people that have hearts the size of my homeland "Texas".
Here in Isla Vista, commonly know as IV, I share my view, my cliff, my home, my smile with 18,344 friends. We are all family, all students, all one. We all live within walking distance to each others house, we all congregate on weekends. If you meet someone out and about and find they are from IV you are automatically friends, you find out they live on your street your best friends, they end up living next door you are in each others future wedding. Best part is this is no joke, no exaggeration. IV has a way of life that no human can explain unless one lives in the happiest place on Earth.
Many don't understand, but blogging should help. This is one of my favorite spots. This is where I take me visitors, this is where I think of my mom:)
This is the place that has molded my smile to my face. Here I live with 6 other incredible women and 1 pretty special guy.
We've been through it all.
This is my family, some I know more then others, but ultimately this is my go to clan. This is what makes our 6777 Del Plays Unit 5 Isla Vista California.
About my boy. My actual roommate, my friend that snores above me each night...
...the lad that keeps me inline, the one that knocks commonsense right into me, the lil engineer that has a heart of gold... His name is drew. He is special,lucky to say the least! Sometimes he doesn't realize it, but watching your friend's life nearly end as he takes a steep 50 foot fall off our cliff...emotions obviously have been tight ever since. He lived, and scarred me to death BUT one awesome angel was watching over him, for Drew I'm thankful and I gladly share my room with Mr.Knudson.

Next stop Brianna Buffington, my same height friend. The one in the house I have known the longest. The girl that I have gone through the most with, the one that shows me I always deserve better, the girl that has food made for me after a 9 hours school day, the girl that greets me with a "goodmornin baby" each day I wake up. Bri is her name...Bri walks me through life in an interesting way. Bri is my ambition, to get the job done though times that can really suck. I believe it is fair to say we learn a lot from each other... going on two years of living with this chicka understanding has a new meaning..learning is to grow...and growing is the best thing you can do!
Lastly I will close my very first blog with the one woman known as mom that has been on my mind since the very first sentence of this blog was typed.
Knowing my dearest mother is going to read this, I wanted to make it extra special. Yes My life on a Cliff is where I find myself to be the happiest yet the mother believes I should go to school in our backyard if possible and to sleep under her roof so she can care for me, cook for me, talk to me in person, take me to lunch, do my laundry, and ideally pester the Hell out of me:)Upon graduation in 2010 I broke away from our humble hick town of Paradise,Texas.If that wasn't a big enough step...leaving my best friend was! Almost two years now we have never been as close as we are today. I commonly get asked gahdd you're always texting...secretly I laugh because it's my mom:) I often lay in bed, think about Texas,think of Cherlyn(those of you that know her)
-her cooking
-how she cares for our two dogs as if they were children
-pete making jokes to get mom to laugh(mom continues cooking)
-her chi, splenda sweet tea that I often crave for
-how all laundry was washed within a day of putting it into the dirty clothes hamper
-her creative lil DIY house projects
-her fetish with germs
-them green green eyes
-her hair
-her heart I strive to have
-her giving hand
-her love,her BIG bear hugs that made it all okay!
Then I'm quickly snapped into reality as one of the housemates yell "CHERLYN POKED ME ON FACEBOOK AGAIN":)))"
I suppose the thing that's the toughest is the distance, the times I really wish I could take my momma to dinner, to fully explain in detail about my day with facial expressions.
My Life on a Cliff still has me hooked being the happiest, luckiest, blessed girl on this planet. My Cliff is where I'll continue to meet my goals, to work hard for something I long for. To become a Nurse. To care, to help, to give to others. Ideally this is the place for me for now...for the next four months THE CLIFF is my home and I couldn't be more satisfied.
Tune in next time for my next chapter....decisions about transferring to my future school where I will fulfill my educational dream...choices choices!
May love and happiness be shared from my heart to yours!