Tis' the season to personally partake in throwing back some hot chocolate with little snowman marshmallows, enjoying some Christmas colored M&Ms, a few home baked goods, and of course one or two of the holiday seasons must try Shocktop collection of beer that is simplify divine.
This Christmas season is a bit of a hot mess wonderland. This week I closed down shop in the big ol capital city of Sacramento. Last day of work was yesterday and as I kissed my beloved babies goodbye, I know ill be in touch, and this is simply a see you later.
Had a roaring last night out with the best of best friends that Sacramento brought to me as well as my high school friends that came to Sac to help celebrate. Now its time to pull the curtains and buckle up for take off.
Headed to the ranch today for one last kiss from momma bear before the adventure of my life. This Christmas Santa is bringing me tennis shoes, leggings, a backpack, and a map.
Packing for this 6 month journey was nothing but a mess. My room was a wreck till this morning at 4am when I was forced to leave my bed, and California at that. I have no idea if what I packed will suffice. BUT it is what it is now.
and so it begins....
After Tejas, My dad and I take off for Fiji, beyond excited! New years will be in the great tropical island of pinapples and rainforest terrain, bring it.
Then a hop over to New Zealand, where my dear college friend, Hannah will be joining me! Last minute additions are always a treat:)
Thennnnnnnn mid January I leave my dad and Hannah for Bangkok, where Jen the travel partner and I take on the world!
The levels of excitement aren't even bearable. Will be updating frequently, stay tuned!